This post hopefully will be a piece answer of my previous post.Any way, this answer is also a hope, sustainable goals that can be reached by the Balinese community in their life.
The changes of Balinese life as mentioned earlier, are caused by some reasons that also faced by all people around the world. As a one of world's top tourist destination, have to be admitted that the Balinese life have been changed in all parts of its components. For example, beautiful farming land reverted into buildings, offices, supermarket, etc. Physically, the development that run by the local government has no clear master plan.Bali, as a part of Indonesian province consist of 9 regencies including 1 municipal. Each regency has its own authority. This privilege actually make each regency to develop their potencies. But, in the real field, we saw a very ironic realization. In the name of "otonomi" everyone disobey the rules and do not pay attention on a local genius that exist from hundreds years ago which become a strength pilars of Bali. This local genius simply we can say, the customs, culture, nature and spiritual life of Bali. This strength factors we believe as a spirit of Bali until today and it is motorized by a balancing beautiful philosophy that called Tri Hita Karana. A wonderful way of life of the Balinese since Holy priest from Java, Mpu Kuturan introduced it along with Tri Kahyangan concepts when he unites Bali hundreds years ago.
As a young generation, to be honest, it is not easy for us to keep this high quality life values to be sustained till tomorrow. But, if all components have a same vision without any prejudice and negative perceptions, believed that the main goals to make Bali as an everlasting Island of heaven and the sunshine of the world will not just an imagination. But, the word is still "IF". So, we need to do a real action. How? Please give your constructive comments!!
Peace forever!!
Sirna Ilang Awidyaning Bali Dwipa