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Minggu, 20 Juli 2008

Bali, Island of Thousand Temple or ?

As we know from hundreds years ago, Bali is known as an Island of thousand temple(Hindu temple) and or much much more names that related to it. But nowadays, This Island of God facing a very serious problem with its development. Business investments are growing very fast in Bali. Especially, investment in tourism business. As reported by one of local newspaper, almost 60% lands of Bali already put in different functions such as hotels, restaurants, exodus compounds, factories, etc. The Tri Hita Karana, as a philosophy of life of the Balinese seemed are not implemented correctly by all components (local government, Balinese communities, and business sectors). Surprisingly, the Balinese culture as a main spirit of all Balinese are about to decrease in its quantity. It's proved by a lot of Balinese young generation started to quit their culture and join the western life.Admitted that not all of them but this will be a very serious problem in the nearest future.

The visitors, let say, foreigners come to visit Bali each year constantly. They come to Bali to see what is the real Bali, the panorama, culture and the Balinese life which inspired by Tri Hita Karana (Parahyangan;a harmony relationships between God and human being, Pawongan; a harmony between human being themselves, and Palemahan; a balance and respectful action to the land and environment). But, as mentioned above, the beauty-religious concepts are not implemented on its path anymore.

Why? This is actually need a comprehensive answers.

To be continued.....
